The PostModern Hamlet

Location: Cleveland, Ohio, United States

Monday, January 24, 2005

Three Selections of Craziness: Pumping up a insufficent, centerless theme (with some notes about my day as well)

I apologize for these quotes in advance, its just that I think they are good to read and think about- I don't think I'll ever get to the point where I can have the comfort of not having to re-read them again and again.

Also, I find the first selection is from an article that I love to read, and made me this close to doing literary criticism.

"Henceforth, it was necessary to begin thinking that there was no center, that the center could not be thought in the form of a present-being, that the center had no natural site, that it was not a fixed locus but a function, a sort of nonlocus in which an infinite number of sign-substitutions came into play. This was the moment when language invaded the universal problematic, the moment when, in the absence of a center or origin, everything became discourse...a system in which the central signified, the original or transcendental signified, is never absolutely present outside a system of differences. The absence of the transcendental signified extends the domain and the play of signification infinitely."

-Derrida: Structure, Sign and Play in the Discourse of the Human Sciences

"At times, when I am 'down,' I am able to pump myself up again by thinking about my blood. It is blue, the bluest this fading world has known probably."

"But the main theme that runs through my brain is that what is, is insufficient. Where did that sulky notion come from?"

-Barthelme: Snow White

"To my mother, my dog, and clowns
But the film is a saddening bore
'Cause I wrote it ten times or more
It's about to be writ again
As I ask you to focus on."
"Oh man! Wonder if he'll ever know
He's in the best selling show
Is there life on Mars?"

Bowie: Life on Mars

For some reasons I thought of these works today. And as one can tell today was a weird day. I ended up getting distracted both on the beginning of my trip back home and at the end. In sum, I ended up spending the better part of an hour walking home in the cold. But before that I shall up-date all of those just waiting for the events of my day with unrivaled excitement.

Last night did numerous things including watching Garden State and having a nice chat with Laura. In addition WashPub (which must be renamed) had an excellent first managerial meeting. Evan is doing a splendid job; I am just sorry I gave the editors such a messy piece to edit. But all of you msust pick up a copy of WASHPub. It will be jam-packed with fantastic articles, and promises to be a huge improvement over its rather small start last semester. There are no words that can convey how happy it is to work with my friends on this activity that I have been wanting to do for years now. Thanks to Evan, Meg, Katie, and Caitlin for making this happen. And Evan, I know I bitch a lot but perhaps under our mutually sarcastic exteriors you know how happy I am to be doing this.

But enough on's events. I attended my one class of the day (I know- such a slacker). Before that though did some readings, and then helped give my old seminar teacher a present for all his work the past semester. Then to the library for more goodness. And then I attended my first class of US diplomatic history- it's really fantastic, you all should take it.

Then my arduous journey back home began. It all started with me walking out of Clark and exactly having a moment to examine the flyering of Bryant Hall- I was inspecting to see how many hurdles Dan would have to go through Tues or Wed. for the WASH Chapel meeting (its a lot Dan, sorry- I'll be sure to aid you, and sorry if my e-mail was so crazy). And upon turning I found a rather unique declaration on one of the numerous green lampposts that adorn the lawn and help give that comforting yellow blanket of illumination late at night, when no one is out (much better than Eliot's yellow fog me thinks). It was quite the romantic declaration, heralding love from one supposed lover to another (but will it has the desired effect, the romantic in me says yes, perhaps). Its something one usually doesn't see everyday. But in thinking this rather rare and thought-provoking act, I was hollered down by IRO-ers with the relief rally. I sadly could not go, WASHpub commitments and such. But I lost time, and all the talk of transvestite Thai strippers, and supplications for food got me totally disorientated. And so I ended up going the long way to the back of Cabell- and waited for a bus (of course I just missed the bus arriving, so I got to feel 15 minutes of cold).

And then the bus was crowded. And not cherry crowed, but cold, 'Dammit I am getting on this bus' crowded. But I did get to listen to an animated Chinese conversation that was taking place with a non-Chinese speaker in the middle (which was hilarious to watch) and shifting back and forth to permit people to exit on the seat-filled transport ride. And all this gentle consideration got me what?

Missing my stop. And since my stop ends a section of the blue bus route, I got to go home form Piedmont, naturally getting lost because I am dumb. But it was rather funny trying to cross Fountaine on a section that has no sidewalks on either side. After being honked up a few times, I gave up on the direct route and made another fantastic circle. And then home.

Sulky notions, the possibility of life on mars, and an origin-less, function-based center I must concede that all these thoughts made my day rather riveting. I shall listen to the people with steak. And finally get started on my nap.

Sunday, January 16, 2005

A New Year Finally Shows Itself

After a long pause I have myself back to my blog site. It warms me to know that at the very least two people have read and commented- granted one was rather random. So what do I have to update you on.

Week spent at home- saw the family, chilled with my cousins Maria, Pam, and Raine. Ate tons of food. Got to see everyone, it was nice. Though Bonnie did get to the refrigerator- darn dogs.

Then veen shooting back and forth between Nova and C-ville for a bit. Saw my friends Josh, Preston, Ashley, Susan, Lizzy, Sarah, and Heidi from ole high school days. And then got to see bunches of my roommates recently- with a lot of Meg on the side.

Last few days have been spent mainly watching movie after movie either here or the other residental places. Also been trying to do some research and get some filing done, its all very exciting. These last few days have been quite interesting- but as with all things, its hard not to be amazed by how all things stay the same.

But yes, I know you're all waiting for a ridiculous quotation so here it is. Since inaugural season is upon us, I've decided to give a selection of one of the best political speeches of all time.
"I could give you many other reasosn why you should feel confident in ultimate victory, if only you will make up your minds not to add to the empire while the war is in progress, and not to go out of your way to involve yourselves in new perils. What I fear is not the enemy's stratgy, but our own mistakes....We must realize that this war is being forced upon us, and the more readily we accept the challenge the less eager to attack us will our opponents be. We must realize to, too, that, both for cities and for individuals, it is from the greatest dangers that the greatest glory is to be won...we must resist our enemies in any and every way, and try to leave ot those who come after us an Athens that is as great as ever."
-Pericles, from History of the Peloponnesian War

Yes, think about those words when (as I know you will al do) watch the Presidental speech coming Thrusday. I will most likely be kicking something hard, but I do enjoy skilled oratory on display.

Also, I am considering writing an article on 'Life Aquatic' the new Wes Anderson film (and perhaps one sweeping Rushmore, Royal Tenebaums as well). If any of you have feelings on the films or certain things I should keep in mind, feel free to suggest.

Off to dinner I go with Nathan. Thanx for the chicken Meg.