The PostModern Hamlet

Location: Cleveland, Ohio, United States

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Summer Craziness, Wash stuff, Jobs, (Reliant) Blog(s) Update, and Surprise Radio Shows

So...last week was fairly hectic.

Past trip

Went to NYC with the padres from July 2nd - July 4th. Saw one play and one musical; and had the pleasure of having most of my Independence Day being confined to a Boeing 700ish, plane weaving long circles on the runway (thunder storms slowed the flights down).

I then got home and flowed into my normal work schedule. Worked a bit, chilled with people (mainly Charlie, as usual). Even more fun, the week slowly witnessed me acquiese to having the WASH party.

I must say: Charlie, Yogi, Bud and I made 1721 in Party Central in time for Friday's shin-dig. If only I felt as good about the party as I did about the debate. Also, the stress of setting up and dealing with the social aspects of being 'party host' did somewhat diminish my party-itude. But it was fun: from watching Emmett break my glass pitcher to arguing with Allie all night about wash-ology. And seeing Chris, Henson, Melissa, Amy, Praveen, Katie, Moore and whoever else I am forgetting was great: nothing like Wash alums to make a party even sweeter.

I have to say, the party both the good aspects and bad aspects, seemed to be quite timely seeing as it will no doubt probably be my last meeting where I am give substanial contributions (which is ironic since its the first time I hosted a WASH party). It was strange how 'full circle' came to be (as everything does when you are in that transitional time)-- with things very different, but at core still the same. (go cliches! what would I do without you). Though getting cut with glass was no fun-- though watching Sarah New being really concerned was very sweet. (And thank you Sarah and Evan for getting ice, juice, and mixer-- it was very nice of you).

Aside from that was the continuous job search: its really quite dull and I won't get into specfics with requests (which I am sure I won't get!)

But, on the other hand, I did get to watch episodes 4 and 5 of 'North and South'. This is truly the best discovering Rachel Carr has given to me, and I demand that all enjoy!


In other news, for any that keep such tabs, I think "ProliferationPress" short life will come to an end soon. While I am happy I tired it, I am still not sure if I am much of an addition to the blogoshere (as anyone keeping tabs its been a while since I updated). The sun is setting, but you know me: I tend to let good of crazy notions very uneasily, haha.

But (fear not) other -- even those very close-- can give you far more of a fill of intruiging security-ese information (and even information outside of proliferation-- say it ain't so!). And for that everyone must go first to Caitlin's website ( and go to blog, or just go to her blog at

Not only does the The Reliant boast the ability to show pictures (something I have failed considerably to do), a better title and a sleak look, on more substantive aspects its really a great site. (I am glad Cait took my advice to stop feeding it as a personal site, and title-label it) All the articles are good, and the article archives are truly impressive.

Seeing those gave me an idea to get a harddrive to save online documents and articles and that way, when they are posted on a site the blogger/reader both know that they will. Nothing more infuriating when the link doesn't work! Perhaps that can be the cause of the Reliant's first fund-raiser.

But yes, everyone should read it and enjoy the multiple topics, languages and talents it displays. When Cait some big wig you can go back and tell your children (or for those childless ones your friends and colleagues) I knew her when...

Last Night

Speaking of bright futures, Sara Driskell got a job! Arm-pump. Hey Sara, are we ever going to post those flyers for that group-project we had planned? haha.

We all ate at Ragazzi and were served but a cute waiter (of the male variant, unfortunately for me). In a shock to my habitus, Charlie was not there (one of the few social events I have attended without him). But Bud and Emmett sacficed, even if they are in love with my mother a bit too much. Katie Bray, Sarah New, and Cailitin filled out the other seats. Dinner was really good: well except for me overeating and getting stomach pains. But that's really not the fault of the establishment.

It was followed by a bar-night that I ducked out of-- sorry, sorry: who would of thought the bar converstation on what turned out to be a near-eve of a friend's leaving to Japan would take so long? The bar night was fun: talked on subjects ranging from America's place in the world, our nebulous future paths, how going to foreign countries for long periods of time can be challenging, and had minor freak-fits about 'growing up'. For any of those interested, I met Nadia first year, first semester in Professor Schucker's class European History: 1800-1965. To this day I still swear she wore a red coat to class, and she still swears that she doesn't own a read coat (nor have I seen it again). We closed our converstations by deciding that the other person would be great: with me proclaiming that Nadia would run the Japanese school system and be a Japanese rock star and she convincing me that I should run for office.

Aw the magic of old friends, a few drinks, and sitting at a bar.

Finding Charlie and Getting a 'Surprise'

So I returned home and got a hold of Charlie. I told him to come over, where he and I (joined by Bud) relaxed first to an episode of News Radio and then listened to most of the entirity of Sarah D'adamo's 'surprise' radio show. She pulled a 'Keith': thinking her show was Tuesday evening, but forgetting that since its from 1 am - 3 am Wednesday was really Monday.

So we called her and bothered her a bit, and I made a request. And even after Bud and Charlie left, I did curl up to Sugur Ros (which Sarah D. called herself) and while I did not remember her farewell, I think I made it pretty much through it all: leading to me having crazy dreams since I left the radio on in my sleep.

Oh I haven't checked yet, but you must update your blog Sarah with the music line up!

I hope Charlie and Bud had a good time watching me rock out and say silly things.

How many times did we call you Sarah?

And Night turns to Morning:

Then at 9 am I let in two graduate students to my appartment: Patrick, our relator point man, was late. They were very pretty people: made a spectacular couple and were quite nice. I think them talking to me was helpful, since I gave them the 411 on the place and the owners. Also turns out they are both new to Charlottesville (post-grads who are soon to be engaged or married, making their first real home-- with no money; so adorable!). So I gave them an overview of the place, another few places they might want to look at (for I think they'd prob. like a job to do those thigns that couples do: Crosswords, gardens, etc. And hey, how often do you get to talk to a glamerous couple of academics.

I then did the morning routine and went to work.

Tonight? Who knows...BW3s sure sounds good.

Hope you all enjoyed my babble!